Overseas Americans in Taiwan
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Our Purpose2

Our Pledge
Since June 2003 this organization has been in contact with numerous people from leading American political figures to human rights advocates both here in Taiwan and in the United States.
One of the most troubling correspondences came from the office of Federal Voting Assistance Program.
Several legal experts stated that what we are attempting to do may be in contravention of federal and multiple state voting laws.
Our pledge to our members and all persons involved with this organization:
We will at no time attempt or encourage any illegal activity in any way. No action will be taken or initiated without full judicial review and approval. 

Americans have a representative form of government. We elect representatives to our government and they are supposed to express our concerns and views to the government and influence the laws and regulations to that end.
We as Americans living in Taiwan have no one elected representative in government to represent our views as a whole. We can however still vote to elect representatives from the area we last resided or choose to reside in the United States.
If we as a group all registered to vote in one congresspersons electoral area and agreed to vote en masse, we would in fact have a voice in congress.
This website is the first step in attaining these goals:

1. An organization be established with the sole purpose of electing a representative to the US congress to represent the Overseas Americans Residing in Taiwan views to that body.
a. The said representative should be a voting member of the House of Representatives and be elected from a district in a State with no income tax.
b. All perspective voters should register to vote in the representative's district and agree to vote en masse.
c. Any perspective voter should register their voter registration card on a database.

Our Mission

Our mission is to further promote the interests of 
all Americans living in Taiwan and to create a bridge between the local people and the people of the United States.